
My name is Pavlína Rybičková, I am an attorney-at-law with the registered office at Hradec Králové, the Czech Republic. Welcome to my web presentation.

As an attorney I base my practise of law on the following principles:

  • – Excellent knowlege of law/professionality,
  • – Respect for the law,
  • – Partnership with clients,
  • – Language proficiency,
  • – Electronic agenda

Excellent knowlege of law/professionality

Excellent knowledge of law and professional approach towards the client is a top priority for me.

Respect for the law

As an attorney I always respect the law of the Czech Republic. Within its boundaries I seek the fastest and the most efficient solution of my clients’ problems.

Partnership with clients

My client is a partner for me with whom I actively seek the solution of his or her problem.

Main attributes of my relationships with the clients are intensive co-operation and mutual trust.

Language proficiency

Modern time requires knowledge of foreign languages. I am fluent at both Czech and German and I also speak general English.

Electronic agenda

I use modern communication technologies for the contact with both my clients and the state authorities.

Within my office a free wi-fi network with Internet connectivity is set up for my clients.

  • Kontaktní informace

    Mgr. Pavlína Rybičková, advokát
    Ulrichovo náměstí 762/6
    500 02 Hradec Králové

    Tel: +420 778 020 534

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    © 2018 Advokátní kancelář Mgr. Pavlína Rybičková | Vyrobilo studio